robert massimi
2 min readJun 2, 2024

My True Love. Players Theater.


Robert Massimi.
CEO., Gimme Shelter Productions,|NYC,NY "My True Love" at The Player Theatre '' on MacDougal Street is a silly musical comedy that has its crux on Cederella finding her true love. Like many musicals at The Players, it has a good band playing, the lighting is usually well done, as are the costumes. For the most part, the actors can sing well. What best strikes me about this comfortable theater is that whether it is "God Save Queen Pam", "Frankenstein The Musical '', or "Alice In Wonderland", the writing is usually subpar; today was no different.
 Under Ben Boecker's book and Carolyn Popadin's direction, the show is fun in spite of the poor writing and how it is directed. The set by Michael Arriaga is creative, innovative. The puppet design by Sean Fitzgerald too is fun, creative. Chris Neuner is clever in the sound throughout the performance. "My True Love" with all the "extras"( that I just mentioned) makes the show humorous; the ridiculous costumes add to the charm of this show on its face.
 One of the main problems with both off off Broadway and theater companies is the dichotomy of the acting pool. In this musical, the lead was very good... she could sing, act and dance. The actor playing Pat played his part well. While the Gardner from Nebraska couls act, his singing was fair. Cederella's mother was deft with "the business' ', her Long Island accent was flawless and brave. Unfortunately, many of the other actors did not pull through in their parts.
 With catchy songs, the plot sagged and pulled the musical down like an anchor. Trying too hard for laughs made it very fluffy at times, embarrassing at other times. While the direction went into many variables, it left the objective audience confused. At This performance it was obvious that a lot of family members were in attendance, (this was the most full that I have ever seen at this theater).
 In a show about consent, consent to say no to anything that you don't want, nor like, it should have been toned down with the tawdry and become a children's show. As adults, we know the premise of consent even though it is not always followed, however, the musical may be better served with a better main focus than consent. The evidence being that a character tells a bear no to being eaten? Really? Hence a children's show.
 "My True Love" gets lost between a children's plot and a jazzed up adult show. Where some jokes land, others are a loud thud. As a commercial show, it fails. More like a glorified high school production, The Players put out another badly written show.

robert massimi

Drama critic for Nimbus Magazine, Metropolitan Magazine and New York Lifestyles Magazine. Producer, editor and writer.