Robert Massimi Productions on Prezi.
Prezi let’s you get your message out and about. It will let you put your company, or your individuality in full focus. Prezi is dedicated to an educator, a person who is in school, an athlete; Prezi is dedicated to anyone who wants be seen as an individual.
If you want to write or be seen, Prezi is the way too go. In the you tube age, Prezi will help you get your true passions out there… making one an individual is what Prezi is all about.
As a drama critic, I use many outlets to get my reviews out to the public. To be a critic, any kind of critic, it is imperative that to be seen as well as heard. With a soring rise of critics on social media, many of whom have no training in the field; shows core, Broadway World as a few examples, it is needed to have Vocal Media and many other sources that hold a higher standard for reviews.
Prezi will let people see your individual work and can comment on your achievements. With journalism on a downward spiral, I am currently writing a book about journalism. My book which is untitled right now will take us back to the by-gone era of journalism. My book will examine different journalists of the New York Times, once the paper of record to what it has become. I will look at one time respected TV anchors like Walter Cronkite to what cable is today. The book will look at stations on MSM stations like ABC, NBC as well as CBS.
Journalism has changed and my book will show the reader the differences in how TV personalities today add their bias in the stories that they tell. I will look at how once very good reporters like Anderson Cooper have become tainted and biased in the reporting of journalistic topics. In a series of topics, I plan to examine how reporting needs to change and why.
This book that I am beginning will be my third book. My first book dealt with how this new generation and all generations since Gen X has been pampered and coddled. My second book looked at the destruction of American manufacturing. The two prior books are a big concern too me because I think that one: our kids are weak compared to other generations and two: we have shipped too many jobs abroad hurting our people and making us weaker as a nation.
In conclusion: I hope that people will find my book on journalism insightful. I think journalism needs to be more fair and balanced on many, many levels. From PBS to CNN, we need articulate and fair reporting.
CNN, Anderson Cooper, Prezi,, Walter Cronkite, Journalism,, Covid 19, Anthony Fauci, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX News, Breitbart, Drudge Report, Tik Toc, You Tube, Amazon, Google, Apple, Gmail, Hot Mail,